Our expertise
Financial & development strategy consulting.
Value creation for the company and personal well-being for the shareholder-manager.
The shareholder-manager has transversal skills but also specialties. We have designed a method to advise them in their management practice and in the hierarchisation of their priorities, by pursuing two simultaneous objectives: the increase of the company's value and the personal well-being of the shareholder-manager.
Organizations structuring for exports.
Exporting is not an insignificant choice but, correctly structured, it can be the main development lever of the company. In B2B as well as in B2C, we advise our clients in the cost management of their exportation development, the creation of distribution methods and networks and more generally their marketing and communication for export.
Guidance for business creators.
Too many young people starting out in professional life, or more experienced professionals, do not see the creation of a business as a possible and serious alternative to salaried employment, out of fear or lack of training. We have designed a specific training program for individuals and academic institutions, and a personalized guidance for businesses in their creation phase. A simple and practical approach covering all the essential fundamentals and identifying pitfalls.
More than 25 years of experience.
Patrick Sabaté has more than 25 years of experience in creating, developing and selling companies. These years of experience have been marked by a predominant activity in the development of exports activities.